How We're Funded

To keep BC Hive completely free, we rely solely on donations

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We are extremely grateful for the contributions our community makes to support our goals. Below are options for donating that include gifts that represent our gratitude.

Crowd-Funded Program

one community working together bc hive image

BC Hive is a Non-Profit 501(c)(3) and a completely free platform that aims to help support small local businesses. To support this crowd-funded project, we are looking for sponsors to donate to our cause. Each new feature added to BC Hive will be available for free to all members. As this system grows, we will continue to develop new features for our small business community. Our commitment to you is we will always operate with the best interests of our community and members in mind.

Thank You
-The BC Hive Team

Current Goal

Our current goal is to give businesses the ability to showcase their events. This feature will allow businesses to create and manage their own events, and users will be able to manage the events that they register for. BC Hive will highlight one event a month on our community events page. Developing this feature will also help us progress towards our next goal of allowing users to schedule services.

community events bc hive mock up image
Description Cost Status
A page to display company events and schedules. Integrated with each business' BC Hive page. With a month, week and day view. $7,000 Funded
A community events page hosted on BC Hive's main website. With a month, week and day view. $4,000 $300
The ability to add, modify and remove events. One event a week may be displayed as a community event. $5,000
Public event registration. Users will be able to sign up, view events, get notifications and remove events. $3,000
Database design $4,000
Mobile design and testing $2,000
Security and authentication $8,000
Total: $33,000 $7,300

Honey Harvest Designs

honey harvest logo

Honey Harvest proudly donates all tips and 50% of all profits to BC Hive.


Honey Harvest works very hard to keep their prices as low as possible. They offer almost every business supply you could need. A few examples are:

500 Business Cards - $35

2' x 6' Banner - $45

5" x 5" Window Decal - $10


All prints are full-color and can be done on cotton or polyester and light or dark shirts. This includes 2 print areas.

Basic T-Shirt - $11.99

Other Shirts - $9.99 + cost of shirt

Tote Bag - $11.99

Graphic Design

All orders include up to 30 minutes of design work. Higher complexity graphic design is negotiated at a per hour rate. Their goal is to be as quick as possible.

Graphic Design - $39.99 per hour

The above prices are for small businesses. Please reach out to Honey Harvest directly for inquiries on personal orders.

We are extremely grateful for our partnership. By using their services, you are both helping provide us with the funding to continue implementing features and saving money for yourself and other local businesses.

Bee The Change. Join the Hive.

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